Wednesday 27 February 2013

The following information can be found at



The exercise will take place during the day between sunrise and sunset. The place must be airy with natural light, convenient and comfortable especially with respect to temperature. Eliminate any potential interruption that maybe disturb the development of this exercise such as: phones, doorbells, radios, animals, insects etc..

1-in lotus position, half-lotus or lying horizontally on your back, close your eyes and bring your hands to the Tan Tien area, located 2.5 cm below the navel. The palm of the right hand to support the weight of the hand and without pressing on Tan Tien and the palm of the left hand to support the weight of the hand and without pressing on the back of his right, protecting this energy center . In any of the selected positions, there should be no stress in the body.

If you choose the lotus position or half lotus, the back should be facing north. If you choose to lie, this will give you the crown north.

2-Make a circuit of seven breaths, inhaling through the nose and out through your mouth while we imagine the physical body wrapped in a cone of light that starts from the feet and widens in the head, in a move clockwise along , from left to right. Hold the image visually light cone, feeling comfort and relaxation. The eyes should be closed.

3-Once stabilized the physical body proceeds to gently squeeze the eyelids over your eyes closed and brow furrowing gently, without using your hands for this. It will focus and memorize the location of biological interconnecting devices including recalling the following sequence: thymus, heart, cerebellum, pineal, thalamus, hypothalamus, and pituitary.

4-With your eyes closed, watch and follow each device, marking them with an inhalation through the nose and exhale through your mouth on each and everyone. It is possible to notice some eye movements which it is necessary to change the frequency that the brain keeps linear over them mechanically.

The sequence is: thymus, heart, cerebellum, pineal, thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary, thymus, heart, cerebellum, pineal, thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary, thymus, heart, cerebellum, pineal, thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary, thymus. After that breathing normally rested releasing the body as if it were floating. Remove your hands from Tan Tien putting arms along the sides of the body.

Remain in that state about 30 minutes.

These first four steps must be exercised every other day for 21 days and duration of exercise. This means that the exercise runs one day and the next day if you rest, this would give 11 days of execution of the exercise and 10 days off what they do 21 days. It makes it easy to mark on a calendar the days of execution.

Friday 25 January 2013

The following information can be found at

However, those posts are in Spanish language and this is a small effort to express the same ideas in English language. So, in time more and more corrections and details are going to be added. The information presented by marielalero is unprecedented and so revealing that it is recommended to read slowly and taking all the necessary time to assimilate this information.

Friday, December 7th, 2012.

The Love state

Its insight and understanding on the conscious level of 3D human

Humans have asked themselves at some point in our life what is Love? Where does your strength and sensation? At the same time we have questioned what is the act of Love? And why should love people who do not consider the effort and dedication to them according to their welfare? Facts have added questions after questions, until today even though we give back with reasoning and feeling involved, this fails to be enough to erase the traces of pain, resentment, grief and sadness that remain as a balance of personal interaction with family, friends and co-workers etc.

Implicitly, humans are driven to love our peers and psychologically manipulated to have to prove that we are good, kind and pious in the name of true love.

It is to think that having to prove that love will lead us to have to meet social patterns where we feel compelled and forced to have to do what feels no heart born. For example having to go through commitment to physical places to which you do not want to attend, or have to attend meetings with people who for various reasons is not compatible characters, this leads to having to hide what you feel or think to respect to maintaining peace and tranquility with our relatives. Is this really “love”?

Right now it is extremely important that humans clarify our ideas of what we have been taught to love and taught to do and be in its name, because no doubt this idea has been given to you play and experiment with the feelings of people ignoring their needs and personal criteria.

We analyze in detention, what we mean by love whose foundation has been provided as an emotional charge that makes life a person becomes a psychological problem to confront their feelings and reasoning.

How do I read and understand love in the Earth hologram?

Love in this world is interpreted as a practical and evaluative where man must exercise every day of his life his moral and religious training to feel that working from the well and be at peace with his conscience.

Love in this world is understood as resilience, tolerance, acceptance and submission. With repetitive procedures to whiten their actions and intentions to the critical judgment of others regardless of their feelings, physical fatigue and what you assert and exercise free will.

This form of loving has been scheduled to human civilization to remain at a level of collective consciousness applicant, harassing, manipulative involved living on individualism and selfishness, making the concept of love in a show staying power over the other. From this level of individual and collective consciousness is vibrational but not truly loving this but rather than extorting place whims or desires are met.

Implicitly, the mind asserts its dominance genetic. This planetary system should favor him driving his anchor vibrating.
How mentally manipulates humans of Earth hologram to show your love?

The global organization through the implementation of two programs of cognitive control "Religion and Education" has taught human beings that love means:

-Assuming a continuing obligation and delivery service without asking anything in return, in the name of the creator.

-In a responsibility we have to ignore the fate and freedom of the people, to generate dependency and control over them.

-A failure to respect the privacy of individuals, because they are accountable for everything they do to be believed and not think badly of her.

-A overlook disrespect, demands and reproaches contemplating how to be people.
-In a challenge without limits leads man to live the concept as evidence of overcoming Love and sacrifice, urging him to be your own competitor proving to yourself that you can overcome the barriers and obstacles that life presents on behalf of their God and contemplation that this Creator has for himself and his fellows.

-In a play on words and phrases between people who end up creating conflicts that expose who loves more and who loves less.

-In a comparative fact empowers individuals life be exemplified, able to give everything to make others happy. While being questioned inside why I always have to give in to keep the peace, harmony and unity in the family or workplace?

-In always have to say yes, because the human condition is pity of their fellows. To the extent that a person should stop or delay projects exist in your life so that others are satisfied that your love is true.

There's something about this whole planet, which does not fit with what our reasoning is love, because if it is true that we must take care, protect and love who we have on our side, there is no obligation of any human to lower the head and be humiliated by anyone to make it legitimate as light source.

This idea is flawed in its reasoning that contradicts the principles transmitted by the dogmas that assert the existence of a God who loves his fellows, but which in turn causes are not yet clear decided to bring this 3D human civilization an inhospitable planet, isolated from their government and links with the rest of his life, to debug their behavior dabbling in karma lessons that history will reveal their past lives, as though that whatever the true cause of his exile with the rest of Universes.

Even, if this was true. Why humans of this world so far we have not been educated, trained and prepared collective level never to repeat the same blunders that what you see is costing us dearly evolutionary level leaving the 3D?

Opposite happens, born without activating our original genetic memory, dependent until the age of majority in the education system and academic family, we are guided by dogmas that teach us in whom we believe, respect and idolize as the creator of the human race, to rely on spiritual leaders in their name us the way moral and religious tendency which must practice to be spiritual.

The most consistent, would have been to have the presence of a global organization that shows clearly in the execution of his government for the human population, leading them towards the path consciously before his eyes glimmer of understanding that comes where is the origin of their problems as races? What happens to their levels of physical consciousness? What is your level of implication in its wake cognitive consciousness? Up to the explanation that his big problem is its genetic makeup and that this is responsible for their retention within the 3D.

Is there a cosmic origin for our 3D human civilization?

It seems that there is no source for our civilization or at least it feels that we have been expelled from it for reasons that are trying to explain and resolve all the details that we need to make sense of our lives in this world.

If that would be true, what kind of cosmic origin is one who openly support its 3D human offspring back to the place it belongs? Why are not you doing something about it to remedy the drawbacks of a time?

So what kind of love these creators profess to their offspring? Theirs is it Love or ranking? So bring to doubt that humans do not belong to a universe that truly loves us but superior beings having characteristics evolving in their levels of consciousness very similar to the behavior of human beings.
If this is true to say that these beings are rational, objective, competitive and premium to be well that they have to take care of their offspring. This would explain the mystery surrounding the origin of our lives, the reasons and motives for until this day have feelings manifest as races that fail to be honest and objective enough to help each other as a planetary society to overcome our differences and discrepancies ideological.

Overlapping questions, prejudices, reviews and differences nesting our reasoning to carry loads sidereal genetic ancestors, who preferred to continue his ways limiting us on a planet as proof of his unconditional love for us until we reconsider as races; That procedure strangest in the name of true love.

I think a percentage of 3D human population, with many paradoxes with respect to their origin and genetic constraint, has decided to venture into the foundations and questioned How certain is all that is said about it?

There is continuing evidence that within this society, humans coexist with other human beings who do not obey or fear any god or anything in this world to assert their rights and discharging their genetics without pruritus moral and religious, are the most living and progress economically.

Who protect these humans? Why no punishment for them? Where are our gods to let pass unnoticed these humans, with all the damage they do to the 3D human population? How can we explain ourselves to be where we are evolving and dimension within ourselves if we feel like we deserve to be races in other conditions, however we are asked to comply with the laws of karma and obedience law as evidence that we are learning to love purifying blame cannot remember.

This reasoning sounds like Comparison? Blame? Or justifying our acts as civilization? Or are we thinking of using our human genetics Light to recognize the reality that we see because we cause pain to corroborate that love on this planet does not exist as such but is rather a pattern that shapes the psychological structure of this man to experience it as his mission on earth.

We have asked to hand over his heart what is Love?

Rather than ask, we must do everything necessary to remember and revive in our cellular memory. Recounting our actions and deliver on behalf of love for us to verify whether the processes employed in reasoning have led to confusion and provide different interpretations of what we mean by love.

I think it prudent to clarify in our minds to these questions then we feel free to organize our ideas so that from now on every time we have to act in the name of love proceed from our human genetics Light and not from genetics program cognitive physical consciousness.

What is for me to understand love?

How do I know that this definition is not the influence of family and religious belief?

How do I feel and live within me?

Do I influence others’ lives with my love?

Do I need to prove it with words? Or is it more effective to transmit it with facts and silent actions and conscious being completely happy that I do not have any interest in personal and economic recognition from me.

Is love a state of mind to be achieved to overcome this development? And if so, does it mean state of mind?

How do I know that I love from the heart and not from the mind?

Is love an agreement between several parties or with yourself? Or is it a lifestyle achieved through the development of the amplitude of the physical consciousness, which allows me to live in the moment and life fully to feel the vibration love being part of my thoughts and attitudes.

When I express my love to someone else I have a purpose behind it want to achieve? Do I want that person to realize my goodness, my time and I really value what I am with her?

What happens to me when I feel this love is not reciprocated by the other? Am I angry? Am I sick? Did she cry? How much value and importance I give this incident? What part of my genetic is thinking?

Does love mean censorship? Conditioning others? Blackmailing? Compromising others? Forcing? Threaten? Does using esoteric symbols to attract when you love? If I go to places of worship to remember once a week that I love and am a good person?

Do love means? Begging? Asking forgiveness and remain the same as always?

Who want to be and I choose to be out of love?
How do you make other people respect my decision and pass the time of manipulation to change my mind?

To act against my will, is to show that I love?

These questions, try that every human being again to look within yourself for that before taking a decision in your life, do it with full conviction that being true to yourself or lying to himself. It teach you learn to set limits with respect and caution to him and to others, without having to be part of discussions and explanations to justify their free will, respecting the free will of others.

Just understand there calmly, that true love and its vibrational effect restores and repairs the DNA of human genetics, because their action has made it possible that the level of human physical consciousness replace its 98% for the original alien gene state of sensitivity of its original human offspring.

How can you reach this state vibrational love a human being even 3D?

Vibrational state is reached when the human love, feels the need for reliance on their emotional and material attachments.

When your thoughts are not absorbing and demanding. Within himself and not afraid of losing or being alone, feeling that his life transcends nature beyond their individual or group reasoning.

When our creativity is manifested with health, support and sponsoring of good times.

Knowing that human there between no colors, hierarchies or positions because all together are part of a program that includes Cosmic life and makes them feel that they belong to him and to remember to be united as human society.

When your body and human constitution, feel the urgent need to change their ways and habits for a healthy life, methodically open to changes for spiritual growth and repair their genetic condition.

Then, what is love?

Out of this world this concept is part of the origin of a whole which expresses itself as:

Vibration representing light awareness in the origin of life in the Cosmos Light continuity extends its creativity to make way for their existence as energetic ultimate expression.

It means that who is our Light Creator is a Consciousness Light, which descend from a source whose genetic make us meet subtle evolutionary cycles based on co creation of multiple realities.

This idea, in this world has been difficult to make understand humans because are unable to get out of the retaining walls of the timeline that contains this civilization into a false reality and planetary space. He stops the display originating from outer space where you can check the constant up and down movement of the Cosmos Light of which we are one thousandth of having been virtually excluded dimensionally out of your mapping.
By not completed this condition we cannot associate in our minds a sense of belonging, inclusion and integration with all Cosmic Light.

Do you mean that 3D humans must understand that what we interpret as love, light represents a consciousness level?

This world has been retouched and concealed a parallel existence to our low appreciation in terms and concepts that supplant the true knowledge and learning that explains how is the development of life in its original state? Done that keeps us in reasoning to understand how it develops the existence of other lifestyles that differ strongly from ours.

Human beings find it difficult to relate to the stars, planets, galaxies, constellations ... as creative expressions depict the creative vibration originating gene lighting. Rather associate this kind of existence beyond our control as if it were simply elements and components. The same applies to ecosystems, flora, fauna and minerals with which we share and live in this world, except to tell us that we are useful for our personal use as an energy source, to take them into account.

The genetic structure of humans implicitly takes an interest in something if it can draw benefits until exhausted. This level of physical consciousness limits us to live within the basic and immediate to us. Although we refuse to recognize this is involuntary nature of what we seek to advance parallel evolutionary scale and be what we say in the name of love.

If genetically, as 3D humans are in light expression by 2%, this enables us to be an integral and conscious of our Cosmic Light Source. This equates to leave us to partake of all that happens to be part of the same cosmic language which would allow us to feel the vibration "Love" in our cognitive language.

If we want to represent in this world to the original vibration Love certainly must learn to become responsible for our intentions and purposes behind to make sure they are not 98% influence alien gene.

How can we realize it?

Seeing as we were among us and be aware of the various systems and methods using by the hyperreals messaging, influencing and trigger peoples mind by activate personal criteria and group interest.

Knowing, how to detect when a human is taken from their genetics to generate dual dissociation and separation among their peers.

Typically use cognitive processes that manipulate the feelings of people aimed at creating in somatization, intrigue, and separation to counter the "concentration vibrational humans according to the subtle planes" implanting suspicions between them leading to distrust and alienation their searches to prevent their reunion at the conscious level within this world, because if that happens these breeds are not going to prevent humans through their thoughts and feelings "vibrate dimensionally out of the restriction of 3D." It is important to understand.

These races never work separately; they always do through human groups to which genetically influenced, making them live a false spirituality. This is evident in his manner of addressing procedures and to others, causing supporters and allies.

It means that people like what we live and love there is an interpretation?

Humans have been genetically programmed to experience your feelings based on energy production and sexual electro-physical energy, so that the level of physical consciousness occupy as central daily activities and occupations.

The action of feeling, demonstrate and express play behaviors and bodily gestures which function to incorporate cultural stereotypes and conventional customs indicate what is acceptable and reprehensible behavior in societies.

According to the type of religious belief and cultural transmission such companies expressed the generational legacy that has left indicated as live and express love between human beings. Every culture has its driving program in which they assert their schedules preset conditions "moral norms and rules" that basically tend to censorship, prohibition of pleasure, happiness, ease of communication and interaction between humans.

He who sit in their evolution the benefit of getting along without being forced to choose as to belong to organizations which seek only sources distort the source of truth, so that there is in human dialogue and communication that activate their genetic compatibility 2% luminance.

If we are predisposed to study and research as they have always been social and cultural behaviors of our human ancestors 3D notice that whenever mass tended to join or containment groups and infiltrators were followed until the break and produce enmity prioritizing always "Treason" as a tool manipulating physical consciousness more likely to be influenced in their 98% alien gene.

At each stage planetary former Pleiadians and reptilians have controlled 3D human colonies. In the planetary stage we live continue doing the same prompting humans to hurt each other so that they remain separate and divided in their positions, defending their criteria, resulting in the separation of truths that are displayed as deals that encourage Human beings always have to choose the highest bidder.

Humans have to think about what they are trying to do to us in these last days of 2012 remaining. Because if it is true that we are all learning to discover the truth and understand the meaning of true love, it is wrong that lead to having to choose and separate into groups to feel that our ideas congenial to some and not others.

There is something in this procedure is not right. It is assumed that all want to regain our true light source. But given the choice would not be made to rethink:

How many light sources are?

Do you mean that each light source makes us think and be different between us?

Do we descend from Descend several light Creators and not just from one as we thought?

Could it be that there are so many religious and esoteric tendencies?

If this is correct. It is only right that every man look to himself his true origin and descent light inside and outside the Earth hologram.

Thinking this way, it would take only one way and that is the one that guides every human being to be anywhere without having to force others who are with him or follow him.

We come into this world to choose who we were and who we should partner with to not converge with our ideas, but we are here because genetically involuntary force governs our evolution to always remain within the vibrational plane space-time anchored with our ideas and beliefs that all they do is to keep alive the old energy paradigm planetarium at all costs "Refused humans discover that among themselves, to merge your vibration can join human electro-physics changing it in light electromagnetic vibration ".

Behind this mystery and gloom lies a strong anger that does not want humans "human vibrational its merger associate 3D with the activation of seven biological devices" are the same human and verify the electromagnetic effect on their levels of consciousness and biological hologram.

Do you mean that the seven key biological devices reconnection are the key to reprogram the 98% alien gene to make way to activate our 2% luminous gene inside 3D avatar?

The seven biological devices: thymus, heart, cerebellum, pineal, thalamus, hypothalamus and pituitary, when activated together and not separately as has been done until now accelerate particles 2% Light lighting lies encapsulated gene in DNA.

Next follow the lighting deprogrammed gene genetic genome setup 3D taking it to the man to realize what's going on inside your mind and clearly recognize their dual genetic load without doubt what you feel because you can identify one Cognitive files to one of 98% alien gene into human confirmation.
The seven biological devices have been reconnected to maintain direct links with the magnetic chamber, remote memory, the present continuous and most importantly in the immediate future.

Empowers the man at first to perceive mentally:

The first fact is immediate Cyber ​​City located in the 2D and 3D adjoins vibrational where this hologram Planetarium and shortcuts to the 4D.

Man look at your physical eyes without veils through:

How do humans live within the Earth hologram?

How do you build this planetary hologram?

Who live in the city Cybernetics?

How could enter and leave it mentally? No need to pay a very high price for their return to Earth hologram.

Knowing, how to live your life with all that visualize, without disturbing it and eventually be able to pass without being defeated by those of their own race.
What role fulfilled seven biological devices when viewing 3D human psychic?

Dimensionally protect him during the time of viewing and psychic translation.

Prepare the human being who feels able to observe what was said and never explained by the organization to the inhabitants of planet Earth hologram. Will have no doubts or questions because everything would be explained to their physical eyes, so dimensionally itself limited the severity of their human condition to be ad piece of use and disuse called biological hologram.

Since then its only purpose would be based on finding the solution that will reprogram your genetic makeup "3D Genome". When each device would at your fingertips biological information, the method, system and display, how to unraveling the strands of DNA 98% alien gene?

It would be through the direct action of the magnetic chamber to be showing you how to go about doing the work together, so that humans from the physical plane disbands his mind the ionization of vibrational tensors kept under cognitive hypnosis.

This voluntary and conscious action in humans would allow the reconnection of the seven vibrational biological devices and physically embody the third template in your hologram biological activation of cellular memory sensitive original human genetics encapsulated in the four biological devices : Pituitary, hypothalamus, thalamus and pineal.

Since then the magnetic chamber would operate within the remaining physical plane electromagnetic shields: Magnetic Field, Solar Plexus and Tan-Tien through the remaining three devices: Thymus, Body Heart and cerebellum.

Being sure that man to believe and what is proven himself as a model of planetary life, to have available sensory and perceptive handling of shields to learn to use them as follows:

* Protect yourself and know yourself through your second shield Magnetic Field, who has the distinction of being the sender channel that conducts dimensional reading of the dimensional planes that are close to immediate physical presence. Both receive and identify whether the call telepathic "thinking" comes from relatives, acquaintances or strangers who are asking for your help or assistance or daytime dream life.

Also the advent of events, visits, events that may befall him later to discuss it as convenient to their development without having to interfere in the lives of others unless it will be a methodical work together and in agreement with stakeholder participation.

* This shield deposited dimensional reading recorded in the third shield solar plexus, so that from the physical plane to identify the origin dimensional transmit messages, calls, communications entered through the magnetic field to send directly to Magnetic Chamber for this check and see if the transmission is favorable or counterproductive to the physical, cognitive and vibrational human.
Once this process is that the magnetic chamber to convey the data to the human plane making conscious part of this learning and self-knowledge. Here devices act together pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thalamus and pineal eye viewfinder Magnetic physical plane to enter the human mind of the visual image as a holographic photograph, the face and the physical presence of the entity or interested in wanting to communicate with.
The Thymus and Heart body act as censors of external vibrating magnetic chamber in the third energy template. Both biological devices will let you know the human being, in the presence of vibration or who is who. Indicating in their 3D avatar through physical sensations and electric shock if the dimensional frequency belongs to the 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D...

Out of this world, races considered the third shield hyperreal solar plexus as dimensional tool trigger and dangerous with which humans can have 3D, as the information accused warning of the approach of these races, comes directly from Chamber Magnetic shield which they cannot get to know, and implants for more attempts to deposit into the cranial cavity where the four biological devices: pituitary, hypothalamus, thalamus and pineal.

* Once humans have been reported, prevented, alerted or noticed by the third shield it has a way to participate the fourth coat Tan Tien. Responsible for mobilizing and clean different electromagnetic fields were dragged through the second coat while reading Magnetic Field dimensional, so that human beings will always have its transmission channel ionized and protected with light energy, ensuring that the shield was not damaged and wear because if that happens not qualify dimensional reading and separate the origin dimensional worlds seeking to communicate with humans, coupling and mixing what makes him extremely dangerous.

For the Tan Tien shield work properly, it must be responsible to manage the Cerebellum (biological device) sure that it is not at risk of being influenced by any internal or external effect that triggers chemical electro-physical residual that affects humans as a result of the frequency hologram vibrational dimensional Earth and the conjunction linking the human world with the cyber city and 4D. While it is true that within the reconnection of the seven biological devices cerebellum has been rescheduled to be part of the set, the vibratory action of biological computer "brain" can be affected by the action programming time-space during knowledge and exercise of electromagnetic shields by the 3D human.

What does this mean?

Those reptilian races to have time counter-space power problem would not density this timeline to which humans are frustrated in the use of electromagnetic shields. The most direct way to confirm such intervention would be parts in these next two years which is the period that they have been calculated as their total activation within 3D avatars humans. It is important to remember.

If the shield Tan Tien can keep the human being within the vibrational frequency of the subtle planes, the cerebellum biological device would become the antivirus to reprogram and provide the brain to the first shield magnetic chamber keys to configure the 3D genome. The hologram would be biological holographic prison currently our 3D human civilization would become our dimensional vehicle.

The biological computer brain would be rescheduled, with ample opportunities to expand their ability to modify the cellular structure of 3D avatar through the joint work of the seven biological devices. For this to happen, the shield must mobilize Tan Tien shield energy magnetic field to the second template to keep within the vibrational resonance of it. This passage brings forward the Pineal Gland biological device, to be considered in the dimensional antenna magnetic chamber within the 3D.

The pineal gland powers a vibrating wave to detect the distance in time and space of light energy within the 3D mapping territory. If the shield Tan Tien preserves shield light energy within the magnetic field, the pineal gland would propel them stronger, which it would shorten the state-time effect in the biological hologram, accelerating cell metabolism causing combustion erasing it all footprint vibrating cell density and residual electro-physics.

The biological hologram to lose this genetic makeup as a result of the combustion cell, the magnetic chamber without any problem it will transmutation the more problematic vibrational area in ​​the bony structure inside 3D avatar, considered the hallmark of the three dimensional hologram templates biological energy.

The bone structure is the weight vibratory Treasury until completely prevents the genome weaken 3D. Its specific vibrational 3D avatar makes it heavy, slow to operate only within the 3D physical gravity, thereby ex Pleiadians races and made sure reptilians humans of Earth hologram could not be removed from their territories dimensional, by Human Light. Minimum bid 3D humans die.

To what extent humans are aware of the deception and misinformation in what we have transmitted the alleged brothers of Light?

Until recently we did not understand why we had not been properly informed by these beings? Now we know that behind your beautiful words and speeches we hide the true origin of our creation. His biggest fear was that we humans of Earth hologram we did not have direct access to information of seven biological devices because if it were to happen came mankind Earth 3D hologram independent from them and stop being their slave colonies.

It is not easy to keep the human population in a single 3D line of thinking, because these alleged human Luz still infiltrating through their human messengers to create waves of mistakes and confusions that do not pay attention to the reconnection of the seven devices biological, because their greatest fear is that every human being see for yourself the effectiveness of their effect on your mind and feel the difference biology and vibration within himself and the positive changes that befall him in his life thereafter.

What would that change and benefit for 3D human life which they so afraid?

That man I trusted about humans Light from immediate future approach to them as tools to try them out for themselves and freely choose to will use them. But as we all know, this work is not simple and easy as these beings are active in the field of play because his fear is based on what we understand the vibrational state is LOVE.

The most direct way to accomplish feel, is through seven reconnection biological devices in conjunction with the four electromagnetic shields. No need messengers or representatives, because we would become our own apprentices to become masters of true life. It is obvious that this hologram Earth as our dimensional biologies would be in the district of the hyperreal dimensional.

What is the relationship between Love and vibrational state of the seven devices reconnection biological?

At the reconnection moment between biological devices into the physical plane space-time planetary hologram, at the cellular level, humans will cease to be purely physical, we'd subtle cellular level to remove fat particles and it matters the 3D avatar.

Our minds lose weight and vibrational density giving way to a new process of cognitive awareness that makes us live in true love, to achieve our biology transmute matter into light energy, we would see ourselves reconnecting seven biological devices be a field electromagnetic energy ranging from unlimited through the four shields and perhaps at some point in the very state of biological parts directly to the 5D spend without having to take the trouble to keep waiting for others to do for us.

Biological devices linked by reconnection would work together to re-educate to tune into cognitively with our original human heredity Light, feeling your cellular memory expand throughout our human biological Light to have occurred the encapsulation des lighting genes lying within each disabled biological device.

We would live for the first time and for all the true vibration Love, feeling that we have a whole life ahead of you to experience and share it with our one source Cosmic Light, which are currently deprived of come alive.

What will impact the human condition remember 3D hologram inside the Earth?

Would impact us know how we thought? How were discussing our ideas? How much cost us understand and communicate with each other? How many lives planetary took us out of the deception of the hyperreal?

What matters most to them right now to light the future humans know immediately that 3D humans understand?

That true love has its memory cell within the lumen gene, we recover in the course of these next two years to come, remain strong and united among ourselves, only then can we experience directly in our minds and Avatar 3D.

Let your vibration is constructive and always tends to the unity and integrity. It does not discriminate discusses ideas or positions. There is the direct action of the gene by 98% where the alleged act Luz brothers, who will do everything in their power so that humans do not understand each other, share their ideas peacefully and joyfully feel their progress and know specifically that are capable of binding and love one another with the simple fact that make the decision to love one another.
We understand, we are in the stage planetary view from outside it has been detected as cognitive confrontation between humans to separate and distance them generational between the old and the new global paradigm.

The collective meditation we are doing this because it is perceived becoming apparent activation originating human vibrational Light within our 3D human condition. We have to be aware of it.
How to care for and protect each other until the end of these two years?

Working together by reaching people with our real feelings because we have and feeling come over more and more into our being. If we ask what happens to us? Just looking into his eyes meet people. "I get along with you." It's in my good intention that we understand and give us the opportunity to interact as real human beings, because we have forgotten to feel and to remember that we are good people.

We are living in a cold, distant, and self-centered, which has led us to forget ourselves and that there are people right now need to be awakened from their slumber cognitive.

Humans must work in our education, in the ideas that we have been taught that we should definitely change many of them because they have been superimposed by the global organization. Polishing learn to value our differences and help each other, living our experiences from the real Love

A big hug

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